•   院士
  •   正高级
  •   副高级
  •   人才计划
  •   博士后流动站
  • 副研究员
    姓名: 张中彬 性别:
    职务:   职称: 副研究员
    通讯地址: 南京市北京东路71号
    邮政编码: 210008 电子邮箱: zbzhang@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:

    张中彬,男,博士,副研究员,河南新蔡县人。2008年本科毕业于海南大学,2013年博士毕业于中国科学院南京土壤研究所,2014年进入中国科学院南京土壤研究所工作。主要从事土壤结构定量化,土壤优先流,土壤结构与作物根系的交互作用等方面研究。目前已发表SCI论文20余篇,担任学术兼职有国际著名期刊Soil & Tillage Research编委,CATENA、Soil Research、Pedosphere等期刊审稿人。






     (1)Zhang, Z.B., Liu, K., Zhou, H., Lin, H., Li, D., Peng, X*., Linking saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability to the characteristics of biopores derived from X-ray computed tomography, Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 571: 1-10.

     (2)Zhang, Z.B., Liu, K., Zhou, H., Lin, H., Li, D., Peng, X*., Three dimensional characteristics of biopores and non-biopores in the subsoil respond differently to land use and fertilization, Plant and Soil, 2018, 428: 1-15.

     (3)Zhang, Z.B., Zhou, H., Lin, H., Peng, X*., Puddling intensity, sesquioxides, and soil organic carbon impacts on crack patterns of two paddy soils, Geoderma, 2016, 262: 155-164.

     (4)Zhang, Z.B., Lin, L., Wang, Y., Peng, X. Temporal change in soil macropores measured using tension infiltrometer under different land uses and slope positions in subtropical China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2016, 16: 1-10.

     (5)Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X*., Zhou, H., Lin, H., Sun, H*., Characterizing preferential flow in cracked paddy soils using computed tomography and breakthrough curve, Soil and Tillage Research, 2015, 146: 53-65.

     (6)Zhang, Z.B., Zhou, H., Zhao, Q. G., Lin, H., Peng, X., Characteristics of cracks in two paddy soils and their impacts on preferential flow. Geoderma, 2014, 228: 114-121.

     (7)Zhang, Z.B., Peng, X., Wang, L., Zhao, Q., Lin, H., Temporal changes in shrinkage behavior of two paddy soils under alternative flooding and drying cycles and its consequence on percolation. Geoderma, 2013, 192: 12-20.

     (8)张中彬, 彭新华, 土壤裂隙及其优先流研究进展. 土壤学报, 2015, 52: 477-488.


    (1)国家基金委面上项目:覆盖作物根系生长对土壤压实的缓解机制研究(41771264),        2018/01-2021/12,主持。


