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    姓名: 王慎强 性别:
    职务:   职称: 研究员
    通讯地址: 南京市北京东路71号
    邮政编码: 210008 电子邮箱: sqwang@issas.ac.cn
    简 历:

      王慎强,男,博士,研究员。1985年毕业于山东农业大学土化系土壤与植物营养专业,先后于中国科学院南京土壤研究所获得硕士和博士学位。曾作为访问学者留学英国Macaulay土地利用研究所(1994.10-1995.9)从事根际微生物多样性与活性研究,日本国农业环境技术研究所(2002.3-2004.3)JSPS特聘研究员从事土壤-作物系统重金属迁移转化规律研究。已发表论文50多篇,其中SCI论文30余篇,被他引800多次。获授权发明专利3项,参与写作专著2部。 作为“土壤重金属污染及修复原理研究”成果的主要完成人获江苏省科技进步三等奖1项及中国土壤学会一等奖1项。  








      1. 王慎强 赵旭 邢光熹等,2012. 太湖地区典型水稻土磷库现状及科学施磷初探. 土壤(Soils),44(1):158-162 

      2. 周 杨, 司友斌, 赵 旭, 王庆乾, 徐浩江,王慎强*,2012.太湖流域稻麦轮作农田氮肥施用现状、问题和对策. 土壤(Soils),44(3):353-358 

      3. 杨林章,施卫明,薛利红,宋祥甫,王慎强等,农村面源污染治理的“4R”理论与工程实践—总体思路与“4R”技术,农业环境科学学报,2013,32(1),1-8. 

      4. 薛利红,杨林章,施卫明,王慎强,农村面源污染治理的“4R”理论与工程实践—源头减量技术,农业环境科学学报,2013,32(5),881-888.  

      5. 汪玉 赵旭 王磊 王慎强*,太湖流域农田磷素累积现状及其环境风险与控制对策,农业环境科学学报,2014,33(5):829-835. 

      6. 程谊,贾云生,汪玉,赵旭,杨林章,王慎强*,太湖竺山湾小流域果园养分投入特征及其土壤肥力状况分析。农业环境科学学报,2014,33(10):1940-1947 

      7. Susan J.Grayston,, Shenqiang Wang,Colin D.Compbell and Anthony C.Edwards,1998. Selective Influence of Plant Species on Microbial Diversity and in The Rhizosphere .  Soil Biol. and Biochem. 30(3):369-378 

      8. Wang SQ, Zhou DM, Wang YJ, Chen HM, 2003. Effect of o-phenylenediamine on Cu adsorption and desorption in red soil and its uptake by paddy rice(Oryza sativa).  Chemosphere , 51(2003) 77-83 

      9. Zhao, X., J. Min, S. Wang, W. Shi, and G. Xing, 2011. Further understanding of nitrous oxide emission from paddy fields under rice/wheat rotation in south China,  J. Geophys. Res., 116 

      10.Xu Zhao,Yang Zhou,Shenqiang Wang *, Guangxi Xing, Weiming Shi, Renkou Xu, Zhaoliang Zhu,2011. Nitrogen Balance in a Highly Fertilized Double-Cropping System in Southern China.  Soil Science Society of America Journal , 76:1068-1078 

      11.Xu Zhao,Yang Zhou,Ju Min,Shenqiang Wang *,Weimin Shi, Guangxi Xing,2012. Nitrogen runoff dominates water nitrogen pollution from rice-wheat rotation in the Taihu Lake region of China. Agriculrure,Ecosystems and Environment,156:1-11 

      12.Shenqiang Wang, Xu Zhao, Guangxi Xing and Linzhang Yang, 2013. Large-Scale Biochar Produnction from Crop Residue: A New Idea and the Biogas-Energy Pyrolysis System.  Bioresources  8(10),8-11 

      13.Shenqiang Wang, Xu Zhao, Guangxi Xing, Yuechao Yang , Min Zhang , Hongkun Chen, 2015. Improving grain yield and reducing N loss using polymer-coated urea in southeast China. Agron. Sustain. Dev. DOI 10.1007/s13593-015-0300-7 

      14.Xu Zhao, Shenqiang Wang *, Guangxi Xing. 2015. Maintaining rice yield and reducing N pollution by substituting winter legume for wheat in a heavily-fertilized rice-based cropping system of southeast China. Agriculrure, Ecosystems and Environment, 202:79-89 

      15.Yu Wang , Xu Zhao , Lei Wang , Yujun Wang , Wei Li, Shenqiang Wang * , Guangxi Xing, 2015. The regime and P availability of omitting P fertilizer application for rice in rice/wheat rotation in the Taihu Lake Region of southern China.  J Soils Sediments , 15:844–853 

      16.Yi Cheng , Jing Wang , Jin-Bo Zhang , Christoph Müller, Shen-Qiang Wang*, 2015. Mechanistic insights into the effects of N fertilizer application on N2O-emission pathways in acidic soil of a tea plantation.  Plant and Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2343-y 

      17.Yi Cheng, Jin-Bo Zhang, Jing Wang, Zu-Cong Cai, Shen-Qiang Wang*, 2015. Soil pH is a good predictor of the dominating N2O production processes under aerobic conditions. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 000, 1–4 

      18.X. zhao, J. W. Wang, H. J. Xu, C. J. Zhou, S. Q. Wang, G. X. Xing, 2014. Effects of crop-straw biochar on crop growth and soil fertility over a wheat/millet rotation in soils of China. Soil Use and Management,30, 311–319 

      19.Xu Zhao* , Jiangwei Wang , Shenqiang Wang* , Guangxi Xing, 2014. Successive straw biochar application as a strategy to sequester carbon and improve fertility. Plant and Soil, 279-294. 

      20.Yu Wang, Yuting Hu, Xu Zhao,* Shenqiang Wang,* and Guangxi, 2013.  XingComparisons of biochar properties from wood material and crop residues at different temperatures and residence times. Energy&Fuels, 27, 5890-5899 

      21.Xu Zhao, Shenqiang Wang ,Guangxi Xing, 2014. Nitrification, acidification,and nitrogen leaching from subtropical cropland soils as affected by rice straw-based biochar. Journal of Soils and Sediments,14:471-482 

      22.授权发明专利:包膜N15尿素的造粒装置及其制备方法,ZL2011 1 0026251.3,王慎强, 邢光熹, 赵旭, 张民, 杨林章, 张宗侯,周杨 

      23.授权发明专利:秸秆炭化装置及秸秆炭化的方法,ZL 2012 1 02677 71. 8,王慎强,赵旭,邢光熹,裴焕初 杨林章 

      24.授权发明专利:一种田间试验模拟系统及其制造方法,ZL 2011.1 0076152.6, 赵旭, 王慎强,邢光熹,施卫明,杨林章,张宗侯 

      25.实用新型专利:一种微区试验模拟装置 ,ZL 2011 2 0086263.6。王慎强,赵旭,邢光熹,杨林章,张宗侯 

      26.实用新型专利:一种田间试验模拟系统,ZL 2011 2 0086263.0。王慎强,赵旭,邢光熹,施卫明,杨林章,张宗侯 
